Manufacturer Training & Marketing
Communicate directly with Retailers and RSAs
Our interface lets you send email messages directly to retailers, salespeople, and your reps about sales, new content and products, or contests.
Increase brand awareness and loyalty
People sell what they know, and our training and marketing program makes retailers and RSAs love your brand and your products.
Increase the number of retailers selling your brand
Show retailers that you're committed to their success by providing 24/7 access to sales training and more.
Make reps more effective and efficient
Allow reps do what they do best...grow your business! We'll handle the training so they can focus on building relationships and selling more product.
Control your company message
Our program lets you control the message sent to your retailers and their salespeople.
Post your company resources
Our training and marketing program lets you post videos, catalogs, flyers and other resources to the site for retailers to use.
Hold reps accountable
Our detailed reports help you hold reps and management accountable.